i shall post up photos that were rotting in my handphone.

this was the main attraction for my dinner on sunday.
only this. HAHA(:

and with the chocolate fondue, came these(:
chocolate covered strawberries and marshmellow.
and my favourite crab, which were half eaten.
another reason for my fats.
mother spoon, father spoon, baby spoon, sister spoon.
i super like the smallest one.
so cute(:
i am bored.very.
my oh so lovely mango pudding(:
i made this salad. then my sis told me my home econs confirm failed in the past.
haha. where got that bad loh.
and then my sis, who eats the salad, after saying i failed in making it.
i freaaaaaaking went jogging today(:
okay not much but at least better than not exercising right?
and now, my leg ache,
my body ache
my head hurts
and i am very very tired.
and my flu gotten worse:((
and then i ate my fats back.
chips, chocolates, ice cream.
its like as if i didnt go exercising lah.
i am like dozing off.
yet i dont want to sleep
cos i amlazy to wash up and take put my contacts.
yah, that lazy(:
my uncle popo and my mum were laughing at me today.
for being so super slow.
and the super bo chap.
ask me: make concession card already?
err. no.
take passport photo le ma?
went for any camp?
er nope.
prepared all the things alrdy?
huh? must prepare what lah.
my mum concluded that i would only care until the very last minute
and then start panicking and going uber mad all over it.
my uncle was telling me my job scope is so limited,
cos i cannot do all those compeitive jobs, will be the one not knowing anything or doing anything.
the one who lose, in other words.
telling me if he is my colleague, he will feel very happy cos i wont compete with him for anything,
and can sabotage me before i even catch the clue.
no, i am not that dumb.
just a bit gullible
and bo chap.
i think i am very happy with the way i am.
which makes me think that i have no life at all.
sleep, eat, watch, eat again.
not like last time, where i would went out and do stupid things.
and act crazy.
and talked until my throat dried up.
and then act innocent.
me? me? no not me.
oh well, i miss it.
because someone deicided to desert me lah.
while owing me a lot of things.
whennnnnnn is our date where you can give me the things you owed me for so long?
okay i am done rambling.